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Duplicating receiver streams using ALSA and asoundrc

Why do this?

On other pages on this site is discussed using the ALSA loopback facility to facilitate the handling of receiver "audio" - which could well be the raw I/Q from receiver hardware.  In doing this, it's demonstrated how, by using an "alternate" version of the loopback utility in ALSA (called "fastloop" - see this web page:  making_fplay.html ) up to 768 kHz of bandwidth could be passed from the raw I/Q from a receiver (such as the RSP1a by SDRPlay) into the "sound card" port:  Doing this allows use of the 16 bit audio pathway afforded to sound cards rather than the higher-bandwidth 8 bit pathway of the "rtl_sdr" pathway.

With this much bandwidth available, it might be useful to be able to make multiple-use of this I/Q data for purposes OTHER than the WebSDR.  A few random examples:
What follows is one way to "split" the audio from an audio source to several places, taking advantage of the capabilities of the  loopback and ALSA.

Using .asoundrc:

To do this, we must add a lot of stuff to the ".asoundrc" file located within the "home" directory of the user of the receiver in question.  Of course, you should make a back-up copy of the existing .asoundrc file before you modify anything.

We'll assume that we've already set up the loopback - and for the examples below, we'll assume the use of "fastloop" - a version of "snd-aloop" modified to allow operation at 768 kHz as described here:  high_rate_loopback_websdr.html 

For the examples below, loopback device #0 is called "flp0" (e.g. "fastloop zero").

Splitting the output to multiple devices:

This entire operation will be done in several steps, so we'll the following code in .asoundrc to create device "rich0_split" (receiver channel zero split) using the "multi" directive as follows:

pcm.rxch0_split    {
    # same output to multiple channels
    type multi;
    # send to "input" side of loopbacks
    slaves.a.pcm "hw:flp0,0,0";
    slaves.a.channels 2;
    slaves.b.pcm "hw:flp0,0,1";
    slaves.b.channels 2;
    slaves.c.pcm "hw:flp0,0,2";
    slaves.c.channels 2;
    slaves.d.pcm "hw:flp0,0,3";
    slaves.d.channels 2;
    # tell which channel goes where
    bindings.0 { slave a; channel 0; }
    bindings.1 { slave a; channel 1; }
    bindings.2 { slave b; channel 0; }
    bindings.3 { slave b; channel 1; }
    bindings.4 { slave c; channel 0; }
    bindings.5 { slave c; channel 1; }
    bindings.6 { slave d; channel 0; }
    bindings.7 { slave d; channel 1; }

In the above, we specify type "multi" and specify several "slave" outputs, each to sub-devices of loopback "flp0".  As noted in the referenced web page, you can have up to eight loopback devices in an standard LINUX system and each of those may have up to eight "sub-devices".  In the example above, we define slaves "a" through "d" and assign each one to sub-devices 0-3, respectively.  In other words, our device "rxch0_split", if you put audio into it, that same audio gets output on these four sub-devices.

It's not enough just to define where audio gets duplicated so the "bindings" statements farther down define where each of the two channels ("left" and "right" being channel "0" and "1", respectively) for each of the channels:  With four audio sources, we therefore need to define eight destinations.  If you wonder if we can "swap" the I/Q channels with the binding definitions - the answer is yes, you can!

Setting up an audio route:

Now that we have a way to duplicate to multiple audio outputs, we need to configure the route to this as follows:

pcm.rxch0_route {
    # set up route from input to output
    type route
    slave.pcm "rxch0_split"
    # set mixer tables
    # Format:  channel {binding level; binding level}
    # e.g. above, bindings 0 and 2 are channel 0 (left) for outputs a and b, respectively
    # as in:  ttable { 0 { 0 1.0; 2 1.0 } }
    # level
    ttable.0.0 1
    ttable.1.1 1
    ttable.0.2 1
    ttable.1.3 1
    ttable.0.4 1
    ttable.1.5 1
    ttable.0.6 1
    ttable.1.7 1

In this function we specify the type "route" and the virtual device that we defined earlier " (e.g. "rxch0_split").  Below this, we use the "ttable" to define, again, how much of what audio goes where.  In the "ttable" statement, the first number defines the channel (0, 1) while the second is the binding defined in "rxch0_split" with the final digit being 0-1 defining how much of that content is to go there:  A value of "1" (e.g. 1.0) is 100%:  If you wanted to change this amplitude for mixing/fading, it could be done here.

Getting audio into the "splitter":

While one should, in theory, be able to use "rxch0_route" as the destination audio device for "aplay" (e.g. "aplay -D rxch0_route <filename.wav>") that doesn't actually work as a "Channels count non specified" error is thrown by aplay despite the fact that the number of channels is explicitly specified in the command line for aplay (or fplay, for that matter!).  To get around this we'll use the "plug-in" function of ALSA and allow it to convert formats as necessary as shown below:

pcm.rx_ch0 {
    type plug
    slave {
        pcm "rxch0_route"

As you might guess, this defines virtual audio device "rx_ch0" and using the sample conversion, this invokes audio device "rxch0_route" and avoids the "Channels count non specified" error.

Invoking aplay or fplay or other audio source:

From this point, you may invoke your desired audio source as in:

aplay -D rx_ch0 <arguments>

and the output will be on the loopback devices defined above.

As noted in the earlier reference article using the fast loopback, it's strongly recommended that you create other "plug-in" virtual devices to go between the loopback output and the WebSDR input as these will:
Some examples of this are as follows:

pcm.f_loop0_out0 {
    type plug
    slave {
        pcm "hw:flp0,1,0"
        rate "unchanged"
        format "unchanged"
        channels "unchanged"

pcm.f_loop0_out1 {
    type plug
    slave {
        pcm "hw:flp0,1,1"
        rate "unchanged"
        format "unchanged"
        channels "unchanged"

In the above we can see that the loopback device "flp0,1,0" (sub-device 0) is renamed "f_loop_out0" and it is this name that we would use in the "websdr.cfg" file (e.g. "device $plug:f_loop0_out0") in our receiver/band definitions.

Similarly, we would use another device (e.g. "f_loop0_out1") if we wanted to send a copy of that same audio data somewhere else - say, via a network connection using netcat or similar (to another computer), to "csdr" for further processing or to another program for recording/analyzing.

For information on using "csdr", see this page:  Using CSDR for auxilary receivers on a WebSDR system - Link

How much CPU does it use:

Since we are moving the audio data unmodified, it uses negligible CPU power (each instance shows up as "0.0% utilization) and minuscule RAM:  Certainly, anything that you plan to do with this data - even shoveling out out the LAN port - is likely to take more processing power than replicating this data!

Different receiver types:

The above techniques may be used for "Sound Card" type receivers (e.g. the "Softrock" where analog audio is piped to the line-in port of a sound card), and receivers with a built-in sound card like the FiFiSDR.

This method can also work with other receivers, specifically the SDRPlay RSP1a in conjunction with the other utilities described on the page linking to this article (linked HERE) where the "sdrplayalsa" driver and "fplay", a version of the Linux "aplay" modified to operate at least to 768 kHz, may be used to provide such bandwidth to the WebSDR server using the 16 bit audio path rather than the 8 bit "rtl_tcp" path.


In a WebSDR system with multiple receivers, you'll have to replicate the above code, taking special care to uniquely identify the virtual devices as they are replicated for other channels.  In the examples above, the number within the names indicate "channel 0" - and a reasonable convention would be to increment those as necessary for the other channels.

I'm making no claims that I'm an expert with ALSA and .asoundrc - or any other type of LINUX sound system.  It took several hours of hair-pulling and web-searching to come up with what is shown above as most "examples" of what I wanted to do were in the form of "This code doesn't work - why?" rather than as understandable examples of how to do things.  It's very likely that the above code could be streamlined a bit, but I decided to keep it as shown as it's at least somewhat decipherable when coupled with the included comments.  

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