Nothern Utah WebSDR Logo - A skep with a Yagi Northern Utah WebSDR
Results of the December 2021/January 2022 Survey

In December 2021-January 2022 we offered a voluntary to users of the Northern Utah WebSDR:  There were 412 respondents, up from 343 in the November, 2020 survery.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the survey!

The purpose of the survey was to determine if we were properly determining the needs and desires of the users of the Northern Utah WebSDR and it is only by feedback from our users that we can possibly know what it is that we are doing right, doing wrong, or (perhaps) ought to consider doing in the future.

What follows below are the questions themselves, the results, and brief discussions.  If you have additional questions, feel free to use the "contact information" at the bottom of this page.  Where applicable, the corresponding results from the 2019 and 2020 surveys (statistics only - not the text responses) are presented.

Please note:  

For some questions, more than one answer could be selected so totals may add up to more than 100%.

For this survey, more questions were asked than previous years, but we'll review those that were asked in previous years, first.

"Why do you use the Northern Utah WebSDR?"

2021/2 2020
As a general-purpose remote receiver
47.4% 55%
For spotting DX
12.8% 18%
For Geographical Diversity
44.9% 40%
My QTH is too $@^! noisy!
27.4% 27%
I don't have an HF station of my own and I like to listen to the bands
9.4% 18%
Other (please specify - 100 char, max.)
 --- 13%

Some of the "Other" answers included:
Others answers included, in no particular order:

"What other WebSDR systems do you use?"

2021/2 2020
KFS (Half Moon Bay, CA)
58% 67%
K3FEF (Milford, PA)
21.5% 19%
NA5B (near Washington D.C.)
18% 19%
N4BBQ (Georgia)
9.1% 6%
University of Twente (Netherlands)
10.4% 14%
20.2% 29%
--- 26%
Others WebSDR systems?  (100 chars. max)
--- 7%


As before, the top answer is "KFS", as it is geographically "close".  A surprising answer was "There are more?" (16%) to which we would like to say that we encourage everyone to visit "" to see the list of other WebSDRs worldwide.

"To what bands do you most often listen?"

2021/2 2020
160 Meters
12.5% 10%
80/75 Meters
49.6% 54%
60 Meters
7.5% 4%
40 Meters
67.2% 77%
30 Meters
8.8% 9%
20 Meters
45% 59%
17 Meters
13.1% 14%
15 Meters
12.6% 11%
12 Meters
6% 4%
10 Meters
11.9% 13%
6 Meters
2% 5%
2 Meters
5.7% 7%
AM Broadcast Band
5.2% 12%
Shortwave broadcast bands
7.9% 14%
Longwave Bands (2200 and/or 630 meters)
2.5% 2%
Other bands?  (Really?  How?)
--- 1%


40 meters continues to be the most popular band and in the past years the second place entry has varied between 80/75 and 20 meters, with 80/75 leading the way again this year.  With the improving solar conditions one would have expected higher numbers on the upper HF bands, but the upper HF frequencies were still somewhat "asleep" at the time the survey was taken.

"Which Northern Utah WebSDR do you use most often?"

2021/2 2020
WebSDR #1 (Yellow)
WebSDR #2 (Green)
WebSDR #3 (Blue)
WebSDR #4 (Magenta)
'Dunno 8.4% ---
No Answer 2.5%

As expected, most of the activity is still centered around WebSDR #1 - which makes sense since most nets and roundtables use the 40 and 80 meter bands.  WebSDR #4's usage has been increasing steadily, both because of easy-pointing gain that provides enhancement to the east on 40 meters but also because the higher bands are starting to become more active.

The percentages for 2020 add up to more than 100% because I forgot to set this question to permit only one answer.

"What band(s) are missing to which you might be interested in listening?"

This was a "fill in the blank" question - and most respondents said "none", but here are a few of the other answers groups together:

VHF/UHF/Microwave bands:

Other frequencies:
We are always interested in the possibility of adding other bands or more capability - just give us a convincing "use case" and we'll see what we can do!

"Would you consider donating to help keep the Northern Utah WebSDR online?"

2021/2 2020
5.2% 10%
Yes - PayPal is fine
31.6% 24%
Yes - I prefer direct donation (e.g. check)
5.4% 6%
Is there another method of support other than the above that you have in mind?
--- ---
Yes - I've not done it yet, but I'm still considering doing so
--- 27%
I would like to, but I can't do so at this time
46.7% 32%
I would do so, via Patreon
2% 1% ---
I'd rather not say 8.4% --- ---

First, we would like to state that even if you cannot or do not wish to support the Northern Utah WebSDR, you are still welcome to use it!  To those that are able to provide support for the Northern Utah WebSDR, we thank you for your donations!

It's worth remembering that the Northern Utah WebSDR is operated by "The Utah SDR Group" which is an IRS 501c(3) non-profit organization:  What this means is that donations that you make may offer tax benefit, but since we are neither tax experts or can possibly know your finiancial situation, we must say that you should consult your tax professional about your specific circumstances.

At present the Northern Utah WebSDR accepts donations via PayPal (the preferred method - and you do NOT need to have a PayPal account to use a credit card) as well as via good old mail (a check is preferred) - see the "Donate" page link for more information.  We are considering other methods of support (Venmo, Patreon, etc.)  A number of donations we have received have employer matched:  Please contact us via the link on the Donate page if you are interested in finding out how that works.

"What is your Amateur radio license class?"

2021/2 2020
Extra Class
57.1 52%
Advanced Class
6.3% 5%
General Class
26.2% 27%
Technician Class
6.1 3%
Novice Class
0.5% 0%
Not licensed - I just like to listen!
--- 9%
Licensed in another country - what class?
4% 4%

A separate question, "Are you an Amateur Radio Operator (HAM)" yielded a 93.3% "Yes" response - not surprising, and we are pleased to see that  non-amateurs find the WebSDR system useful.

Most of the respondents indicated a license class that included HF privileges but we hope that more of those that are "HF Curious" - but don't have a license that offers wide HF privileges - will "discover" and use the WebSDR and get inspiration from it, eventually getting an appropriate license and get on the air:  We are pleased that those who "just like to listen" are using the WebSDR:  Be sure to spread the word!

Responses in the "Other Country" class indicated a few of our Canadian, European and Indian friends - and a few people who also use the WebSDR as a bit of a "utility" - perhaps to check the signal quality of shortwave broadcast stations or other types of HF operations.

The following questions don't really line up well with those ask/answered in previous years so they are discussed separately in this section.

"How long have you been using the Northern Utah WebSDR?"
To those new to the system, we welcome you - and to those that have been using it for a while, we thank you for using it!

"How often to you use the Northern Utah WebSDR?"
"The Beam"

At the time that this survey was conducted, there was only one beam antenna at the Northern Utah WebSDR -  the LP-1002, which covers all bands from 40 meters through 10 meters and two questions were asked about it:  How often you use it, and why you use it.

In speaking with some users of the Northern Utah WebSDR, there is occasionally some sort of confusion as to how to "use" the beam:  A few people have wondered how to "select" the beam - perhaps expecting some sort of  button that will switch the antenna that they are using.  Once it is explained that there are several different servers - and all of the receivers on those servers are dedicated to a specific antenna (e.g. WebSDR #4 uses the east-pointing beam, WebSDR #5 uses the northwest-pointing beam) the "light" goes on.

Of those that use the east-pointing beam, we asked why, and here are some of the responses:
We also asked the question:  "If we install another beam, which way would you like it pointed?"

There were a number of different answers, but the most common one was "Toward Asia/Pacific" or "West/Northwest" or similar.  With that in mind, when we did install another beam antenna - a KLM 10-30-7LPA (WebSDR #5 - the "Teal" one - link - is dedicated to that antenna)- we oriented it on a heading of 278° (true north reference) to best-cover Australiasia and the Pacific.

The next most-commonly mentioned headings were "Toward Europe" and "Toward South America" in that order.

Browser/operational issues:

There are many, many different computer/browser/Internet connection configurations out there and unfortunately, there can be "issues".  In order to try to keep atop these issues, we like to know what most people are using - and the problems that they might have - so we asked a few questions on related topics.

What browser do you use?
Which browsers have caused issues - and what were they?

Recently, the most common problem is the user failing to click on the "Audio Start" button:  All modern browsers now require the user to do "something" to start playback of audio or video - often in the form of a "start" button of some sort, but this requirement may be disabled on many browsers via configuration.
Computer platform:

Not surprisingly, most users use Windows (Windows 10 - 68%, Windows 11, 14%, Windows 7 or earlier  12%) with about 39% using some sort of Apple product, 26% using an Android, and about 20% reporting to use Linux.  Based on correspondence with users, Apple products constitute the highest percentage of audio issues.  Most issues - typically audio - can usually be solved by one of the techniques mentioned on the the "Dealing with Audio Issues" page - LINK.

WebSDR issues:

Finally, we asked about issues that people were having with the Northern Utah WebSDR, and a few recurring comments were noted:

Audio issues:

The audio decoding is done solely in the browser and if your computer is "busy" doing something else, it may not devote enough CPU time to maintain a constant audio stream.  This seems to be particularly notable as the browser will often devote less processor power when you "move away" from a WebSDR tab (e.g. minmize a window, switch to another window or application/program):  This issue seems to be more of an issue with Chrome than Firefox although it has been observed to happen with all browsers.

Internet issues:

The most common issues appear to be Internet-related, having to do with audio drop-outs or "freezing".  This is not too surprising as the WebSDR - like a Zoom/Skype call - require very tight connectivity between both ends to avoid lag or delays and a lot of buffering is simply not possible:  Unlike streaming music or video services - which can buffer for many seconds to hide such issues - any interruption - even very brief - is likely to cause a pause/break in audio.

For the most part, the Internet connection at the WebSDR site is very solid and most Interent-related drop-outs are likely to happen closer to the end-user:  Services like cellular/mobile data are heavily over-subscribed and drop-outs on mobile devices using those networks is to be expected.  Similarly, cable modem based internet (e.g. Comcast) and wireless Internet is also subject to "bandwidth starvation" during peak hours when usage is very high.  In those cases, setting larger buffer sizes can help somewhat.

"Frequency memory"

We'll occasionally get comments/questions about the "Memories" that are on the WebSDR - the ones with the green tags.  It's worth reminding users that these are stored as cookies on the user's computer and not on the WebSDR which means that if you change computers or browsers or do something else that will clear that information that these "memories" will no longer appear.

Contact information:

If you wish to find out how you can contribute to this project, or if you have any questions/comments that weren't answered on the "latest news", "FAQ" or "technical info" pages, you may send an email to the following address:


Alternatively, you can send email/snail-mail to KA7OEI using the information found at QRZ or the FCC database.


If you wish to contact us, please avoid using an email service that has one of those "Please fill in this form to reply" type of SPAM filters.  If you really want a reply, please have the courtesy to allow us to do so without having to fill out a form and supply extra personal information to who knows where, etc. - I wasn't planning to sell or give out your email address, anyway!

Additional information:

Go to the Northern Utah WebSDR landing page

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